What was included in Phase I and II of my website launch?

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Dear all -

To prepare for the Phase I of my website launch, I transferred a handful of important info from my Discord onto my website. I transferred August 2022 data from the following rooms onto my website for Phase I.

  1. BTC vision log, Alt coin vision log, and non-crypto vision log
  2. Shiba vision log (June -August 2022)
  3. Prediction summary
  4. Accurate prediction
  5. Missed predictions
  6. Dreams/visions from members
  7. Thank You SL
  8. Success stories
  9. Reading from members

For the Phase II of my website, my web developer and I will dump all of the old data from 2020 to July 2022 for the following rooms onto website.

  1. BTC vision log, Alt coin vision log, and non-crypto vision log
  2. Shiba vision log May 2022- April 2021
  3. An UPDATED Recommended coin list
  4. Accurate prediction
  5. Missed predictions
  6. Dreams/visions from members
  7. Thank You SL
  8. Success stories
  9. Reading from members

Phase II will probably take between 1-2 months to complete, which means old predictions, dreams, and readings from members won't be on this website until November 2022 at the latest.

The following info will NOT be included on my website:

  1. Discussion forum
  2. TA page or section. The new SL free Discord group, have many of my old members and some of them are talented TAs. They post TA charts regularly that you can follow their work on there.
  3. To join SL's new free Discord group, click on this link. https://discord.gg/MGzYj2mtbB I am not a member of this Discord group - the group will be managed by 10 moderators. I will stop by the Discord group maybe weekly in the beginning of this transition. Once everyone is getting used to the new format, I might not drop by the new Discord weekly. We will play it by ear. :-)

Thank you everyone for your patience during this transition!! I'm looking forward to this new format of sharing my guides' info with the group.


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