Vision log 1123 part 2 - Abundance has come to pass. How to find winning meme coins on Twitter this season

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Sat, 4.29.2023

This dream from 3 days ago is coming to pass:

Two days ago I had a dream where I was at a house where I hung out with some strangers. When I left the place there was only one guy left besides myself. I gathered my jackets that was on the bench and I left the place. As I was walking I looked at my hand, I said to myself why I had a male's blazer with me. I checked the jacket and there was a really thick wallet full of cash and credit cards. This person had so much cash stuffed in his wallet; it made the wallet quite bulky.  I immediately walked back to the house to return the jacket to this guy. When I made it back to the house, the guy didn't realize his jacket was gone. I returned the jacket to him and told him not carry too much cash with him which it was unsafe to do so. He was unfazed by my comment. He had so much money that he didn't care his wallet was gone or he had a lot of cash with him. He was in crypto too because they showed me he was following a calculation method from a book to determine the price of certain coins. He day traded cryptos in my dream. When I woke up, I wished I could recall his mathematic calculation because what he did was really interesting. A few minutes later, his wife told me that he took my advices and reduced the amount of cash he had in his wallet.

Normally how I understood is when we find gold or money in our dream, it's sign from God or spirit guides telling that person s/he will have abundance soon.

The dream was posted here

I told my Discord group I'll share with them what I did that might manifest quick and sudden abundance. I hope my own personal experience and journey will help everyone who read this manifest a lot of abundance this month and in May. So you can have unexpected wealth to buy your blue chips too. ❤🌈💰🙏🏽

  1. My round #1 of abundance was on April 17, 2023 when my member, @Dadius Farticus, shared with the group on Discord that Pepe meme coin hit 30M in 3 days.  I checked out the coin but I was busy that day and I didn't get a chance to get into the coin until 71M MC.  I decided to add more to my bag at 88M MC because the coin had a huge momentum where a massive number of investors flocked into this coin like I have never seen from a meme coin. Not only that, there were lots of investors dropped big money such as $10K- $70K. Once I saw there is something special about Pepe that it could have a nice run for a short period of time, I felt comfortable getting in at a high MC.

2. The 2nd meme coin I got in was Bob when the MC was very low thanks to @Dadius Farticu again. But I sold the coin too quick because I was impatience. Then two days ago I bought back and paid 20X more. I was willing to paid more because the devs locked his liquidity which he announced it on Twitter.  And I had an intuition this coin could run to 27M and 29M MC. It was a risk I am willing to take with the massive sale volumes and eye balls on this coin.

--> These two coins pumped massively within a few days which has brought me an unexpected abundance. So, I made donations to four different people because some people close to me desperately need money to pay rent and bills. It doesn't feel right to sit on my profits and not sharing my wealth. Two people I donated money to were Rosalind and Robin Cunningham because I watch their videos. I enjoy their content.  

3. I got into Elon Musk meme coin on the day the coin launched and then when I woke up the next day, both Bob and Musk' coins had massive run. Both coins broke ATH multiple times .

--> Paying it forward I think it has helped me with more abundance blessing this  round #2.  I've always share my wealth and help people close to me when I have money in real life since I was young. It's the right thing to do not because I expect the universe to reward me for my generosity. Right after I made my last donation, both Bob and Musk went parabolic the next morning.

Out of the 3 coins, I made the most money from Musk and it has gone up the fastest. I’ll make another donations today with this 2nd round of unexpected abundance. Two of my friends who are tight with money. It feels right to share my unexpected wealth with those close to me. Also I will donate to Joseph Tittel and Debbie Griggs because I enjoy their content. I feel better after I donate because it feels so wrong hanging onto so much money while some just have enough to get by.

4. Before all of these abundance occurs and I dreamt where I found a wallet full of cash, I said I want to have an X dollar amount in my crypto wallet to buy coins during the month of May. That was all I said to myself. I imagined I have the money. That was all I did. I didn't pray, meditate or do any visualization about it.

I just believe it is possible. I don't know where the money will be coming from.  This new meme season has fast tracked my wish.

The dream where I found a massive amount of cash was a hint from my guides that I'll have abundance soon.

5. New meme season, new game!!!!

--> This meme season started about a month ago which probably kicked of by Pepe where it hits 30M MC in 3 days. There are ton of meme coins launched daily. See a link here

--> To locate a winning meme coin, you should follow and ape into a coin that have several CT endorses it.  They either have a relationship with the dev or they have such a big platform that the chance of it rug is less. Still, you need to do your due diligence and review the website to see if the project makes sense and has any leg to stand on. Also, ensure the liquidity pool (LP) is locked, and the contract is renounced. Devs still can allocate coins to them in multiple wallets. So, if a project stating that the dev doesn't hold any coin, most of the time is not truth. They need money to pay for CEX listing or to make a profit for their efforts.

--> Anything related to Elon Musk and Pepe run this season.

--> Thousands of people who didn't get involve into meme coin last season is buying and promoting meme coins this round

--> The sale volumes this meme season is probably several times higher than the 2021 meme season.

--> To succeed in meme coins, NEVER NEVER ever buy a coin at an ATH. I've been monitoring at least 10 -12  coins for the past 2 weeks and the painful experience is all coins retrace no matter how high it runs.

--> Follow these CT and see which coin they like and promote. You can get in slowly or small amount if you feel uncomfortable with any coin. If you are confident with a coin, then you can use a bigger budget for it.

The key is get into a coin when it's below 1 million market cap (MC). If you missed the boat, get into below 3M MC. Don't chase any meme, it will retrace.

Meme season last for about a few months in 2021, but each coin takes turn staying hot and popular for a short period of time and then a new theme or meme coin takes over the throne. So, you MUST take profits otherwise you will lose your money holding and hoping your coin will hit 0.01. Aim for small wins.

--> I sold my Yuna, Pawzone, Pawswap, and Lunc to get into meme coins. These coins weren't doing anything. I knew I could make a better use of that money and flip it quicker with a coin that's trending at the moment.

7. I'm following and I have my Twitter notification turn on for Poe_ETH, Jamma Pelson, Z, Borovik.eth, cryptotalkman, Madapes, Dio, Chad Crypto

There are 5 pages of CT that you can follow to learn about new meme coins:

Good luck and have fun!!

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