Accurate Predictions

Accurate predictions - Polkadot (DOT), Filecoin (FIL), Solana (SOL), Tectum (TET), Bonk (BONK), TriasLab (TRIAS), Mintlayer (ML), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Decentralized Social (DESO), Bitcoin (BTC), The Graph (GRT), Sui (SUI)

1684. Coin: Polkadot (DOT) Date: 24th December 2023 Prediction: $8.5 Current price: $7.26 Vision log: 1219 Link: It took 18 days to come to pass 1685. Coin: Polkadot (DOT) Date: 24th December 2023 Prediction: $8.5 Current price: $7.26 Vision log: 1220

Accurate prediction 1693 - Ethereum Classic (ETC) hit $25

Accurate prediction 1693 - Ethereum Classic (ETC) hit $25

1693. Coin: Ethereum Classic (ETC) Date: 10th January 2024 Prediction: $25 Current price: $27.18 Vision log: 1044 Link: It took 6 months to come to pass

Accurate Predictions