In Time movie - one of the best movies I've seen in years

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Sun, 12.18.2022

Angelina, my member, has been sharing movies and materials with the group in the "Other Psychic Predictions" room on Discord. These materials were published on Tore Says' Telegram/website. Tores was a former CIA turned good guy who has been telling her thousands of followers to watch certain movies because it depicts the future.

Since some of the themes will be part of our future - I'd rather watch the movies now and be aware... then see people tweet and reference these movies a few years later. Might as well find out the future now. LOL

The future that elites will create or is planning for humanity. Some of the themes or things that they put in these movies will carry out in real life world wide from now until 30 or 50 years later (robot, clones, AI babies, the rich lives in one district and the poor lives in another District like the Hunger Game).

I just finished a movie called "In Time (2011) which starred Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, and Olivia Wild

Full movie in English is below (1:49:16 minutes)

--> This movie has multiple layers of meanings that is applicable to today's society and the future.  It has excellent reviews on YT - see the comment section.

A little tidbit about this movie: Justin's character has binary or digital numbers on his arm.


Spoiler alert:








Each person has a digital time on their arm and live in different time zone (people with short amount of time live in a poor time zoom and vice versa). There were two characters that their digital clocks run out, they died. As soon as your time run out, you die. You pay everything with time- taxi, hotel, foods, transportation.  This movie is REALLY INTERESTING.  If you have 100 century to live, then you live forever. There are characters like that in the movie. Wow - a convertible costs 59 years - you pay everything with time. You can give your time (aka money) to people