Thurs, 5.30.2024
I hope one of you will have good profits from Kaspa so you can pay off your wedding in the future! 💒 💕❤️
The first lesson <@589280837149917209> has taught me is picked a good coin with good fundamental, buy low, and have a nice bag. Be
Thurs, 5.30.2024
<@589280837149917209> did it again! 🚗 <:dogeheart:892443539680673842>
Since he has been with me: he had two paid vacation by crypto, paid off debts, and now a car! He did all of this himself in term of profit taking! 🥳🤑💎🩵🙏🏽
He is probably the most
Thank you SL and guides for helping me to recover from my 2017 debt, this illustration is a tribute to your unwavering efforts, namaste :-)
From Huey 8.31.2022
I got in Lunc at .000093 and out at .00022. Made alot of money, thank you again @SL369crypto
From Mr9ine 8.31.2022