Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Billing and Account Management

Billing Period

If you signed up for my subscription on Aug 30, 2022, you will be billed again on Sept 30, 2022. Membership on my website is the full 30 days.

Does my membership automatically renew?

Yes, your membership is automatically renew on the renewal date. If you don't want to renew your membership, please cancel your membership before the renewal date.

How can I cancel my membership?

You can cancel your membership at anytime. Please go to My Account --> Change --> Cancel Subscription

If you signed up for my subscription on Sept 1, 2022 and you cancel the membership on the same day, you will still have access to my website until Oct 1, 2022 because you paid for my content for a full month.

Can I pay by crypto?

You can pay with crypto. Please see instructions from this page:

How do I modify my membership?

You can modify your membership - upgrade from monthly membership to annual membership - or cancel your membership by visit My Account

How to navigate the website?

Any post with a locked icon next to the post, you have to be a paid member to read the content. See the image below for an example of paid content.

What is included in the homepage?

Featured post - There are 5 featured messages that listed first on my website. The featured posts will change regularly - any important prediction or announcement, it will be posted under the featured post

SL's predictions - My daily prediction based on descending order is list here and you can find it in this section

Accurate prediction - The web bot will automatically update any prediction that comes to pass in this section

Success stories - Some of my members' success stories are featured in this section

Stable coin and Exchanges

What stable coin is safe to use short-term?

Cash is one of the safest currency. USDC and USDT both have some risks for various reasons.

Circle issues USDC and based on their recent financial statement, Circle is not a profitable company. That poises some risks to holding USDC.

My guides have mentioned a few times that USDT will lose it value by 10% - 20%+

It's best to stick with large exchanges such as Gemini, Coinbase, Binance, and Kucoin. All of these exchanges have some risks but they have lesser chance to halt our withdrawal than smaller, less reputable exchange.